“Our staff is remarkably dedicated to closing the achievement gap for our English Learners and we believe
it is our moral imperative to provide our students with an exceptional 21st century elementary education,” said
Hurley Elementary Principal, Dr. Yesenia Alvararez. “This award reflects the hard work and commitment of
our teachers, staff, students and parents."
In order for a school to receive the CABE Seal of Excellence Award, certain rigorous criteria must be met:
● Substantial evidence of the bilingual language proficiency (English and other language) and
academic achievement for students in the program.
● A description of the comprehensive and enriched instructional program that includes English Language
Development, primary language instruction, and English instruction.
● A description of the professional development plan for certificated staff and how staff use effective,
evidence-based instructional strategies.
● A description, with examples, of how the comprehensive curriculum for English Learners is aligned to the
standards at all grade levels.
● An effective school-home-community collaboration that empowers parents to become active participants
in their children’s education.